The Most Boring Article About HOW TO FREEZE CELERY

Crispy celery is a seasonal vegetable. Its roots also contain vitamins of groups A, B, C, and K, essential for humans. This is a must-have for those who take care of their health, lose weight, and is also an excellent ingredient for meat broths, soups, salads, or smoothies. Celery is popular in France, Europe and America. To achieve the maximum benefit, you need to know how to freeze celery properly. Pay attention not only to cleaning but also to the general cooking process.

People need celery stalks in a daily diet to improve health, lose weight, and replenish vitamin reserves during the off-season. Another benefit is that all parts of this plant can be eaten. The systematic consumption of celery has a positive effect on our bodies. It boosts energy, strengthens the immune system, and protects from harmful influences.

Can You Freeze Celery?

All parts of celery – roots, stems, and leaves are highly prized as food for their delicate specific flavor and refreshing taste. Freezing celery is one of the best ways to preserve its nutritional properties. The whole process is easy and usually takes a few minutes of preparation.

Short Guide On How To Freeze Celery:

Celery contains a large percentage of water, so it does not freeze as well as other products. A few different freezing methods and selecting the best one may depend on how you plan to use it later.

Blanching is a popular way of freezing. Chop the celery and remove any fibrous cords from it. Then put in boiling water. Let it cool before putting it into a freezer. Young celery is more suitable for freezing with this method. However, it is usually possible to peel most strings from more mature plants. The only disadvantage of this method is that celery will lose its crunchiness. It will be suitable for cooked dishes, but not to be eaten raw.

How to freeze celery without blanching step by step:

  1. Wash the celery leaves thoroughly;
  2. Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes;
  3. Rinse and drain;
  4. Dry well with a cotton cloth and cut into pieces if needed;
  5. Place the pieces of celery in a plastic food bag and freeze.

[youtube url=”” width=”680″ height=”400″ responsive=”yes” autoplay=”yes” mute=”yes” title=”making celery juice”]

Does celery loose its nutrients when frozen?

Celery loses juice very quickly, so many consider freezing one of the best options for preserving its beneficial properties. Dry stems, leaves, and roots are the keys to successful and long-term freezing.

  • Buy only fresh products, if possible harvest directly from the garden;
  • They must be prepared: washed, dried, and in some cases blanched;
  • When freezing, spread the products in one layer on a flat surface and put in hermetically packed in bags or plastic containers;
  • Remember to mark them and put an approximate expiration date.

It’s clear that after freezing, some vitamins may be partially lost. Still, there will be enough of them to provide your body with nutrients during cold winter.

What vegetables can I freeze raw?

celery appetizer

  • Zucchini. You need to wash them well, dry them, and cut them into pieces (for soup) or rings (frying). Moreover, you can fry zucchini without defrosting: just roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil.
  • Avocado. Peel the vegetable, remove the pit, wrap it in plastic, and place it in a container or freezer bag—a great option for cocktails.
  • Corn. Corncobs are perfect for freezing. You need to clean them from leaves and fibers, then wash and dry. Place the corncobs in a freezer bag.
  • Broccoli. It doesn’t need any pre-processing before freezing. It is enough to select a fresh product, wash it, dry it, and freeze it.
  • Mushrooms. Not all mushrooms need blanching before freezing. For some of them, you can just rinse, dry, and cut large ones into pieces. Put into bags and freeze.

Before freezing, you must wash the vegetables thoroughly (preferably with a brush). Then remove leaves and seeds, layout on a cloth that absorbs moisture. Finally, let them dry.

How to buy good celery?

Celery is sold either individually or in packaging. It is much easier to assess the quality of celery if it is sold without packaging. When choosing celery, it is important to know what a fresh and quality plant should look like in advance. There are several types of celery, but there is almost no difference between them. Which celery is good for purchase:

  • the color of fresh celery is always intense green
  • leaves should be dense and juicy
  • roots must be firm with a smooth surface
  • avoid yellow or brown spots
  • it should have a harsh smell

Best ways to store celery and keep it fresh

Celery can be stored in your fridge for less long than other vegetables. It goes rotten quickly because of a ripening hormone. If you want to keep it crispy for an extended period, do not forget to wrap it in aluminum foil or damp paper towels. They will keep moisture in the product. Don’t use plastic as it seals the hormone and speeds up the ripening process.

Celery is tastier when it is fresh and crispy, so if you want to keep it fresh, it is essential to know how to store it to prevent its withering and maintain its precious qualities. There are several methods for nice fresh celery at hand. When buying, look at the celery leaves. Please make sure they are fresh and brightly colored. Avoid celery that has smelly stems.

How long does celery last?

Uncut celery with whole heads usually lasts about a month in the fridge. The chopped one will be fresh for about two weeks. The freshness also depends on the packaging you use. Check it periodically for damaged leaves, stems, or roots. If there are any, throw them away. Furthermore, any pieces of celery can be stored in a freezer for more than a year if they’re adequately prepared.

How to store cut celery?

how store cut celery

It is helpful to have pre-washed and ready-to-eat celery whether you like to have a snack or use it in salads or other recipes. One of the best ways to store it is in the water. Here’s how it works:

  • find a container with a good lid;
  • wash the diced celery thoroughly;
  • add cold water;
  • put celery in the water;
  • close the lid and put the container into the fridge;
  • change the water every day to make sure the celery stays fresh.

With this method, celery should last up to four weeks in the refrigerator. You can also use the aluminum foil method to store cut celery. Don’t forget to wrap it tightly again after each use.

And what about dried celery? Well, any type of celery should be stored in jars made of dark glass or plastic. The lid must be tightly sealed to prevent the effect of humid air. The shelf life of dried celery reaches 1 – 2 years.

How to preserve celery?

how to freeze celery

Drying is the most convenient and effective method of preserving celery without losing essential oils and beneficial ingredients. Wash, dry on a kitchen towel, and chop. You can use an oven (+ 40 ° C … + 50 ° C) or a food dehydrator. Put dried celery into a hermetically sealed container, cloth bag, or paper bag and keep out the damp.

Can you air dry celery?

You can dry celery if you don’t have a device. The process won’t take much effort:

  • clean it thoroughly from soil residues and rinse with running water;
  • grind peeled roots;
  • line a tray or baking sheet with paper put greens on it with a thin layer;
  • place it in a ventilated area at room temperature or outdoors under a canopy away from sunlight;
  • flip it occasionally to dry thoroughly;
  • spread the dried seasoning in glass sealed jars or paper bags, store in a dry, dark place.

If you want to speed up the drying process, place celery in the oven or electric dryer. Dry at 40 ° C. Distribute to storage containers after cooling completely.

Can you vacuum pack celery?

Vacuum packaging extends the storage time through:

  • removing air from the bag, which prevents bacteria growth;
  • hermetically sealing won’t allow bacteria from the air around;
  • preservation of the natural moisture of products, which helps you to maintain a good appearance and taste.

The shelf life of vegetables in a vacuum depends on the temperature. Vegetables are stored on average up to 5 days at a temperature of 3 ° C and below, in vacuum packaging – up to 18-20 days. A freezer can significantly increase the shelf life of vegetables. At a temperature of -18 ° C, vegetables are stored for an average of 8-10 months when using vacuum packaging – up to 2 years.

How do you make celery crisp again?

The key to crispy and fresh celery is correct storage. Usually, it becomes limp because of water loss. All types of celery are stored well. If you cut a leafy stem and place it in water, it will stay fresh for up to four days. Moreover, if you cover it with foil and put it in the refrigerator, it will last even longer. The root is stored ideally, even in a peeled form (we peel it like a potato). Stalks remain crispy for a week.

Benefits of celery

Celery has antiallergic and antiseptic properties. It improves appetite and digestion, promotes non-stop body processes. Freshly squeezed juice will help calm the nervous system and maintain body temperature during extreme heat. Celery Oil is used in the treatment of kidney disease.

  1.  Potassium  Maintains water balance, improves cerebral activity, takes part in tissue regeneration.
  2.  Calcium Improves immune system, maintains healthy bones, protects from diabetes
  3.  Magnesium Improves immune system, normalizes heart rate, regulates glucose levels.
  4.  Zinc Improves vision, prevents various illnesses, essential for the process of healing (wounds and cuts)
  5.  Phosphorus It gives energy, maintains a healthy metabolism, helps strengthen bones and teeth.
  6.  Vitamins (A, В, C, K) Stimulate blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, protect from harmful impacts
  7. Celery has powerful antioxidant characteristics for compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol

Is celery good for your liver?

Celery juice positively affects internal organs, particularly the liver, by improving blood circulation. The nutritional properties of the product will help get rid of many problems. Celery juice can be mixed with other vegetables as well.

Nevertheless, patients with pancreatitis are not recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice. Doctors allow only a tiny amount of juice if there is a period of remission.

Does celery help you lose belly fat?

Celery contains dietary fiber, so it can be safely used to fight extra pounds. You can eat it in large quantities and are not worry about weight, since 100 grams of greens contains only 16 kilocalories. By the way, there is even a special diet, which consists of dishes made from this healthy plant (mainly soups).

Celery juice is rich in vitamin C, B, and a lot of organic potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus. They support the body during intense physical exertion. As a result, celery juice is offered in all fitness clubs.

Is celery root good for cooking?

soup with celery

People usually eat raw or baked celery. The best option to save all the nutrients is to eat raw celery root (salads are great here, but it is essential to choose a healthy dressing, not mayonnaise). Alternatively, you can try fresh grated or chopped root in the following combinations:

  • boiled eggs, raw carrots, green onions, sour cream, and mustard;
  • parsley, sesame seeds, and oil;
  • celery stalk and leaves, parsley, raisins, orange pulp, and unrefined oil.

The boiling process takes about 20 minutes (depending on the size). You can also bake it with oil, spices, with various vegetables (carrots, broccoli, beet etc.) for about 25-35 minutes (depending on the size).

It is a perfect substitution for mashed potatoes. This dish is much tastier, healthier, and has fewer calories. Celery root has a lot of fiber, so it is enough to eat 100 grams daily. In addition, celery root will boost weight loss due to vitamin B5. Its deficiency is one of the factors that slow down the metabolism.

What can I do with extra celery?

Celery is one of those foods that tend to lie a long time in the fridge after you’ve bought a whole bunch. Although a soup or stew recipe only requires one stalk. Celery is stored for weeks, but it will eventually wither and have to be thrown away. This is no good at all because there are many recipes and things to do with it.

Make a green smoothie

celery green smoothie

This drink nourishes the organism with vitamins and fills with energy for the whole day. It also helps lose a few pounds if taken regularly. Add some fruits and a refreshing drink is ready.

Can you freeze raw celery for smoothies?

You can quickly freeze celery without the blanching process. Chop it into small pieces so that you can add it to the blender without any preparation. But remember that it will lose flavor as well as color very quickly. Such celery lasts about two months in the freezer.

Is it safe to use frozen vegetables in smoothies?

Frozen vegetables are one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals during the off-season. Freezing doesn’t affect the content of vitamins and microelements. Quite the opposite: it helps to maintain their amount at the maximum level. Recipes with frozen vegetables are not much different from those that involve fresh ones. Vegetables are already peeled and chopped. It saves time, and smoothies are prepared much faster.

Such an alternative for smoothies is also cheaper. Frozen vegetables add smoother consistency to smoothies. The flavor gets better.

Is there a substitute for celery?

Despite all the wonderful properties of celery, it’s not to everybody’s taste. It has a bitter, spicy flavor with a distinctive odor. Therefore, worthy substitutes can be the following:

  1. Parsley. It is full of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your health. For sure, they have different flavors. But this will be a good alternative for those who do not like a specific taste or simply do not have celery at hand.
  2. Parsnip. It adds a spicy and original taste to the dish due to a large number of essential oils. Its root helps to improve digestion processes. It’s suitable for those who watch their weight or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The dried chopped root is a good seasoning option for many dishes.
  3. Bok Choy. It’s crunchy and resembles celery a lot. You can use it for both raw and cooked dishes. Bok Choy is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and other essential minerals for a healthy immune system.
  4. Fennel Stalks. They have a nice herbal flavor, very close to celery. It’s a good substitution for soups, braised stews, or broths. However, they usually take longer to cook.
  5. Carrots. They have the same healthy properties and positive effects on the body. Carrot is a great snack to lose weight as it makes you feel full longer. For better results, consume only fresh carrots.


Celery holds a privileged position among green vegetables. You can write a whole book about its excellent properties. It is a source of vitamins and unique elements that have no analogs in nature. That’s why it is used not only as food but also in home remedies. After all, we are responsible for our health. The more we respect our body, the more it will reward us with well-being.