BENEFITS OF BANANAS That I Think You Should Know About

Banana is a herbaceous plant (not a palm tree, as many people think) up to 9 meters high. Mature fruits are yellow, elongated, and cylindrical, resembling a crescent. They are covered with dense skin, slightly oily texture.

Bananas from a botanical point of view belong to berries, although we used to consider them fruits. It is a tropical fruit with an exceptional taste and aroma, rich in vitamins and minerals. They help to maintain the balance of substances in the body. Despite their excellent taste, bananas are not acceptable for all people. Importers bring bananas to us in an unripe form, so many people doubt their properties.

What are the benefits of bananas? What are they useful for?

History of origin

The first bananas appeared about 10 thousand years ago, and claim to be the first fruits in the world that have survived to this day. The first banana trees grew in New Guinea, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Over time, traders brought these plants to India, Africa, and Polynesia.

The first mention of this berry was found among the relics of Buddhists and back to about 600 BC. The army of Alexander the Great invaded India in 327 BC and discovered banana valleys. Bananas reached China by 200 BC, where they “settled” the southern regions of the country. However, the fruits were not very popular and were considered strange until the twentieth century.

Modern bananas are very different from their wild ancestors. They had a lot of hard seeds and bitter pulp. Modern bananas appeared as a result of crossing two wild varieties in Africa. Today, bananas are grown in 110 countries, and they are one of the most popular fruits all over the world. Some Americans consume more bananas every year than apples and oranges combined.

Chemical composition

Banana – a healthy fruit that appeared on the islands of the Malay archipelago, has become famous thanks to its qualities and substances.

The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, has an elongated semicircular appearance with a pointed tip. The banana peel is dense, and its thickness partly depends on the varieties of fruit. The nutritious part of a banana is the pulp, it makes up 75% of the weight of the fruit.

One ripe banana fruit contains many components and substances necessary for the human body. Bananas also have a high balance of pectin and dietary fiber. They play a leading role in the human digestive system. The dominant link among the group of vitamins is B, among which there is pyridoxine (B6). One hundred grams of banana contains the daily norm of this element. In addition, the fruits contain ascorbic acid, which replenishes the daily dose by 15%. Vitamins of the same line – B9, B5, B1, B2, beta-carotene, PP, choline, K, A, E.

We can use bananas for consumption. There are different opinions about this product. In average values, a peeled banana contains about 120 kcal. A small fruit contains:

  • 90 kcal
  • Carbohydrates (32 g)
  • Proteins (2.5 g)
  • Fat (0.2 g)

Vitamin C helps the weakened human body fighting against infectious diseases, removes toxins, and preserves youth. It is a good antioxidant and contributes to the metabolic process of blood renewal.


Although a banana consists of 75% water, it contains many valuable components. This tropical fruit is very rich in potassium. This element helps the body to maintain the health of the heart and kidneys, increases attention, and activates the brain. Scientists claim that a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body prevents the formation of kidney stones, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, and reduces the risk of a heart attack by 27%. Magnesium, combined with vitamins C and B6, also has a positive effect on heart work. Banana also contains dietary fiber, which supports the normal functioning of the intestines and plays a leading role in preventing colorectal cancer.

The antioxidants contained in the banana can help reduce the damage from free radicals. They contribute to the development of cancerous tumors. Banana – the great assistant in the fight against ulcers, contains substances that resist the bacteria that cause this disease. It also has an antacid effect (reduces irritation of the mucous membrane, calms the digestive system), and improves the condition of the stomach.

Bananas are valuable at any age, especially in the earlier stage of life. As a rule, a banana does not cause allergies and provides the child’s body with substances. Moreover, according to the observations of British scientists, eating one banana a day reduces the risk of developing asthma by 34%

The use of this tropical fruit also benefits the visual organs. It is a fact that carrots improve the quality of vision. Bananas can fight damage to the retina and central vision disorders (it contains vitamin A). Bananas are low in calcium, but this fruit still provides a little help in strengthening bones. In addition, certain indigestible carbohydrates increase the body’s ability to absorb calcium from other sources.

Application in medicine

Bananas can relieve muscle spasms during physical exertion. It analgesics and reduces spasms and cramps that appear in the body due to a lack of potassium.

Banana contains a natural hormone – melatonin, which affects the cycles of waking and sleeping. Therefore, for a good rest, you can eat a banana a few hours before bedtime. Banana removes fluid from the body and lowers blood pressure. It is helpful for anemia, as it contains the necessary amount of iron, potassium, and magnesium. These trace elements normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

They can be good for people with atherosclerosis. Bananas help with frequent heartburn, have an enveloping effect, they reduce the acidity of gastritis. They protect the mucous membrane from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. But with inflammatory processes of the stomach, bananas can increase painful manifestations, since they can cause flatulence. Bananas contain soluble fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body.

It may be useful for women with PMS. By stimulating the production of pleasure hormones, the banana improves mood. Bananas are useful for children as the first complementary food, as they are hypoallergenic and suitable for any age.


Bananas are a good source of oxytocin for pregnant women. This hormone contributes to the calm course of gestation, and also increases the production of breast milk.

In addition, bananas are a real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, so with their help, you can saturate the body of a pregnant woman and a developing child with substances. You can use bananas to reduce the severity of toxicosis, as they normalize digestion and muffle the feeling of nausea. Bananas rarely provoke allergic reactions, which is very important for women in this position.


The use of bananas for men primarily consists of increasing potency. Regular consumption of bananas in food allows you to make an erection longer and more stable. It is especially true for older men who want to maintain an excellent sexual form.

Bananas also have an impact on the quality of sperm. Thanks to their use, the number of spermatozoa increases, they become more active and mobile, and the chances of successful fertilization increase. Therefore, men planning to have a child should regularly include bananas in their diet. Bananas have a positive effect on male libido, as they act as a natural aphrodisiac.

You should choose ripe fruits to improve the state of male potency. It is necessary to give preference to fruits with rich yellow color and intact skin. Black spots on a banana are a sign of its ripeness, but these spots should not be huge and occupy the entire surface of the fruit. Mold is a sign of fruit damage, the little size of the fruit contributes to its sweetness.


Health benefits of dried bananas

Dried bananas are good for human health, but their caloric content is higher. 100 g of dried bananas contains about 346 kcal. Therefore, people with excess body weight should refuse to use the product. Dried bananas are also forbidden to use for diabetes of all types.

You can offer dried bananas to children as an alternative to chocolate and sweets. This dessert will appeal to the child and will also benefit the body. After all, the vitamins and minerals contained in fresh bananas from dried fruits do not go anywhere.

Dried bananas are an excellent source of potassium. Their use in food allows you to normalize the state of the heart and blood vessels. They are a source of energy and strength. With their help, you can get rid of depression and cheer up. Dried bananas very rarely provoke allergic reactions.

Benefits for athletes

The unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index makes bananas a favorite fruit of athletes. Eaten before training, they increase physical endurance. A study with the participation of cyclists showed that a banana (calculated as half a fruit for every 15 minutes of riding) maintains energy reserves at the same level. In addition, athletes use these fruits as a remedy for muscle spasms.

Studies have shown that eating 1-2 bananas an hour before training helps maintain potassium levels in the blood and reduce muscle pain.

How to choose and store correctly

Unripe fruits need some time to get ripe. If the fruit is yellow, it will quickly deteriorate. Suitable bananas should be dense, but not too hard. In any case, the color should be bright. The peel should be smooth, without any damage.

TIP:The size of the fruit does not affect its taste. These fruits require special transportation and storage conditions.

Possible AWARES

All fruits with a positive effect on the body can be harmful in some cases. You may not exclude a banana from the diet, but it is worth limiting its use.

  1. Banana actively removes fluid from the body. Therefore, people suffering from varicose veins, men who have problems with erections, and patients with thrombophlebitis should not get carried away eating bananas.
  2. Taking beta-blockers for cardiac diseases significantly increases the level of potassium in the body, so you should not eat a large number of bananas rich in this mineral, especially with unhealthy kidneys.
  3. In large quantities, bananas are not recommended for irritable bowel syndrome, as they can cause bloating.
  4. Uncontrolled consumption of bananas is contraindicated for people suffering from obesity.
  5. People with diabetes need to approach the choice of bananas.

What to do with the peel?

It is not customary to eat the banana peel, but it is not poisonous. On the contrary, it contains vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, a lot of fiber, and proteins. At the same time, the banana peel contains a large number of pesticides. But if you are sure that the fruits are eco-friendly, it is customary to use banana peel for making jam. In addition, it can be fried, stewed, or boiled.

How much bananas can you consume per day?

The answer to this question will be individual in each case. It depends on the calorie intake, occupation, and the presence of certain diseases. One banana a day will do almost no harm to anyone. Healthy people can drink no more than 2-3 small bananas a day to get all the benefits and not exceed the daily dose of carbohydrates and calories. But for losing weight, it is better to reduce the use of these fruits and eat no more than 1-2 pieces per week.


Bananas are especially harmful to allergy sufferers but great for gaining muscle mass. There are also many toning properties of bananas for men and women. Be careful: banana contains a lot of calories not suitable for weight loss. Due to a large amount of sugar, bananas can be a dangerous threat for diabetics of all types.

Bananas are considered healthy, balanced food. Due to a large number of carbohydrates, they allow you to fill up energy. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium is important for bones, teeth, nails, and maintaining the heart. Iron is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.

Bananas are a real natural antidepressant, which, due to the tryptophans contained, allows the body to produce the hormone of happiness -serotonin. Regular consumption of bananas guarantees a great mood and a charge of vivacity.

That is why, and also because of the delicate taste and consistency, bananas have become popular all over the world. They are eaten raw, dried, fried, used in baking and other desserts, cocktails are made on their basis. There is even banana flour.