Milkshakes are popular summer drinks. On a hot day, they cool the throat and quench thirst. They are made from a variety of ingredients. People try to make drinks from natural ingredients that have beneficial properties.

Most often, people prepare cocktails using bananas. This is not surprising because this fruit has a pleasant taste and positively affects the body. If consumed excessively, the fruit can be harmful. This is why people are looking for a banana substitute for a smoothie.


Bananas are beneficial for the body, but you can not eat a lot of them. They are very high in calories, so they have a substantial effect on the figure. It is for this reason that people are looking for products that have low-calorie content.

Except for bananas, many other fruits have valuable properties — for example, grapefruit, kiwi, and plum.

Grapefruit is a very “vitamin” fruit. It contains vitamins of group B. Also, there are minerals: potassium, magnesium, and others. The pulp contains fiber and the peel – essential oils.

Grapefruit people use in many diets. Fruit helps to reduce weight due to the content of substances. The thing is that they accelerate the metabolism. Thanks to these extra calories faster to burn.

The pulp of the fruit contains substances that break down cholesterol and reduce blood sugar levels. This is useful for people who have diabetes, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

Kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin. It breaks down proteins, making it easier to digest food. Except for actinidine, kiwi acids help digestion. This is especially important when there is insufficient production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In Chinese medicine, people use kiwi precisely to improve digestion. It also reduces the likelihood of kidney stones forming.

Kiwi is the record holder for the presence of vitamin C. It lost the palm only to black currant. Just 100 grams of fresh kiwi contains four times the daily norm of vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system and helps to fight colds.

The caloric content of plums is small due to the large amount of water in the fruits. Scientists have proven that plum is an excellent addition to the diet during weight loss. Flavonoids and phenolic components in the composition of plums inhibit the growth of fat cells. If there are plums in moderation, they will speed up the fat-burning process.

Plums are rich in antioxidants. For example, such as anthocyanins and vitamin E. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress. Also, they are protecting cells from the aggressive effects of free radicals. Scientists confirm the link between eating plums and improving memory.

Dried plums contain a lot of potassium. Scientists claim that plums reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The plum contains potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.

Bananas can also be replaced with acai berries.

Why are bananas always add to smoothies?

Banana is a fruit known all over the world. It contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for human health. It is not surprising that people add this fruit to a cocktail. The combination of milk and fruit taste is ideal: it is pretty simple to prepare a milk drink from a banana in a blender. A refreshing cocktail will save you from the heat in the summer and give you cheerfulness in the winter.

Bananas are practically free of fats and proteins. They have no cholesterol at all. But in the product contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins of groups B and C. Bananas are also rich in antioxidants. On them rarely allergic to them. For this reason, doctors recommend using the fruits even for young children and pregnant women. People who have diabetes can also eat fruits. Despite this, it is worth approaching the composition of the diet with responsibility and knowledge of the measure. But that’s not all. This fruit is very high in calories! So people use a banana substitute for smoothies.

Bananas are healthy, balanced food. Due to many carbohydrates, they allow you to quickly get enough and fill up the lack of energy for a while. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium is essential for bones, teeth, and the maintenance of the heart. Iron is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.

This fruit has a delicate taste and a good consistency. For these and many other reasons, bananas have become popular all over the world. Cocktails are made on their basis. There is even banana flour.

Substitute for banana in an acai bowl

In its chemical composition, a banana is similar to acai berries.

Drinks from acai are multivitamin supplements. You can include them in the daily diet. Supplements strengthen the immune system and activate metabolic processes, contributing to weight loss.

Acai oil improves the condition of the skin and hair. It smoothes wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the skin. It also helps to get rid of stretch marks and stimulates the synthesis of collagen. It can be added in several drops to creams and masks, used for massage, and anti-cellulite wraps.

Acai berries, like bananas, are not only eaten but also used for cosmetic purposes.

If you want to make a cocktail without using a banana, we recommend using peanut butter.

Peanut butter smoothie without a banana

A peanut smoothie can perfectly play the role of a breakfast or a healthy snack while delighting with a wonderful taste. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add frozen berries and other fruits. The smoothie will turn out to be quite satisfying, so you will get a boost of energy for a long time.


  • milk -0.5 cups;
  • peanut paste – 2 tablespoons;
  • ice cream – 100 grams.


  1. In the bowl of a blender, mix all the available ingredients.
  2. Beat the mass until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Cool the drink and serve it to the table!

You may still have questions. We will answer most of them below!

What can I put in a smoothie to thicken it?

You can add high–fat cream to the cocktail-33%. You will get a thick cocktail with a pleasant taste by mixing cream, ice cream, and other ingredients. But you need to add a little ice cream. Otherwise, you will get a liquid cocktail!

If you want to get a thick cocktail from ordinary ingredients, you need to prepare it correctly! At the first stage, pour the frozen milk slightly into a blender. You can also add syrup or berry juice there. After that, you should beat the mass for 3-5 minutes. Only after that do you need to add 50-70 grams of ice cream and hit it repeatedly, then you will get a thick cocktail with gentle foam.

You can also make a thick cocktail from ordinary yogurt! To do this:

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Cool it and add the yogurt.
  3. Mix all the ingredients.
  4. Cover the mixture with a towel for 4 hours.

A thick cocktail is ready! To make it tastier, you can add juice or topping.

How can I thicken a smoothie without yogurt?

If you want to thicken the cocktail without using yogurt or kefir, use a blender. You must enable the blender function that can chop ice. When whipping a drink, you need to press this button only 2 times. After these actions, the consistency of the milkshake will become the thickest. This mode is available on almost all blenders designed for making cocktails. In the absence of a blender, you can beat the ingredients with a mixer. The process takes about 5 minutes.

Can you substitute Greek yogurt for banana?

You can replace banana with Greek yogurt. It contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements. This product is considered low-calorie. For this reason, it is used by people who follow a diet. Yogurt does not contain sugar, so it improves the metabolic process.

The product can stabilize sugar levels, so doctors recommend using it for diabetes. It is also a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

There is a lot of calcium in Greek yogurt, almost 10% of the daily norm. Its combined action with probiotics increases the protective functions of the body. And also helps to cope with inflammation in the intestines.

Do ice cubes make smoothies thicker?

To some extent, you can say that. When people added ice, the volume of the smoothie increases significantly. The aroma of the drink also improves. But due to the ice, the cocktail does not become thick and dense. The fact is that when ice dissolves, water is formed. The liquid, when interacting with cream and other dairy products, makes the drink a lot of liquid. For this reason, people have added ice cubes only if they want to cool the beverage or improve its smell.

What fruit is similar to a banana?

There is a fruit that resembles a banana in appearance. This vegetable is called “Plano”. These fruits are widely distributed in South America. Large vegetable bananas constantly undergo heat treatment. This is necessary for the vegetable to be suitable for consumption.

Can you substitute pumpkin puree for banana?

If you want to make a healthy smoothie without using banana puree, you can replace it with pumpkin puree. This vegetable is a preventive measure for many severe diseases: tuberculosis, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

Also, pumpkin is the most potent diuretic. So doctors recommended by its is for disorders of the kidneys and edema during pregnancy. Nutritionists prescribe pumpkins to people with excess weight. The fact is that the substances contained in it accelerate the metabolism and remove “bad” cholesterol. Also, they make the skin more elastic and elastic.

What makes a smoothie creamy?

The basis of the cocktail includes ice cream, milk or all together. Ice cream is a product made based on milk. Milk and any products made from it have a delicate and creamy taste.

For example, a person can get a milky-flavored cocktail from yogurt, kefir, or cream.

Are bananas and plantains the same thing?

Bananas and plantains are not the same things. In our understanding, a banana is a sweet fruit with a dense texture. It is used in any form. People immediately add it to ready-made dishes and desserts.

Plans are a variety of bananas that has a distinctive feature. People use they are only in cooked form. Raw vegetables do not have a delightful taste. Usually, plantains are fried or dried. In some countries, they are considered a substitute for potatoes. From the vegetables, people do chips, tostones, and other dishes.

What are the disadvantages of bananas?

Bananas are slow to digest, so people with excess weight should avoid eating them. Also, specialist don’t recommend to eat them right before a lunch or dinner. There may be a feeling of heaviness and bloating.

Immediately after a fruit snack, you can not drink water, juice, or eat a banana on an empty stomach. The best option is to eat a banana an hour after eating.

Bananas should not be eaten away by people who have problems with blood clots or blood vessels because they thicken the blood and increase its viscosity. This can cause thrombosis of the veins and arteries. On this basis, bananas can provoke problems with potency in men.

What kind of smoothie is good for weight loss?

Various drinks help you lose weight. They can consist of different fruits or vegetables. Below are some useful recipes.

Apple and oatmeal cocktail

Kefir improves digestion, removes cholesterol, contains a lot of protein. Cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and is helpful for the prevention of diabetes. The fiber contained in oat flakes and apples will allow you to stay full longer.


  • 1 cup of cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes;
  • ½ green apple;
  • ½ spoonful of ground cinnamon.


Whisk all the ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Slimming cocktail with spinach, kiwi, and banana

Spinach contains a lot of fiber. It also normalizes the work of the intestines. Kiwi reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The banana gives a feeling of satiety and improves digestion.


  • 1 cup of fresh spinach;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 cup of water.


  1. Cut the kiwi into small pieces. Peel the banana.
  2. Beat the spinach, kiwi, banana, and water with a blender until smooth.
  3. Put the drink in the refrigerator so that it becomes cool.
  4. A healthy cocktail is ready!

A rich cocktail of 4 ingredients

Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants and fiber and removes excess cholesterol. It also accelerates metabolism and reduces blood sugar levels. Pineapple contains a lot of fiber and normalizes the digestive system. Greek yogurt is a source of calcium, probiotics, and protein. Ginger accelerates the metabolism and normalizes blood sugar levels.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 cups pieces of fresh or frozen pineapple;
  • ⅓ a glass of Greek yogurt;
  • 1 slice of fresh ginger.


  1. Peel the grapefruit and remove the seeds from it.
  2. Whisk all the ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.


Banana is beneficial but, at the same time, a high-calorie product. To gain weight and get the whole complex of vitamins, people use a banana substitute for a smoothie. Alternative versions of fruits and vegetables also have a rich chemical composition. So they serve as a source of vitamins and trace elements.

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