7 BENEFITS OF CARROT JUICE That Will Rock Your World

Carrots are a universal vegetable containing plenty of useful substances. In Afghanistan, the cultivation of this root crop began 4 thousand years ago. It was the key to the health and prosperity of the body.

Eating it raw is not the only way to get all the health benefits of carrots, but there are quite a few of them. Only 100 grams of carrots contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. Instead of eating raw root crops, you can make delicious carrot juice.

Benefits of Carrot Juice

the following health benefits can be distinguished:

  • enrichment and improvement of the blood composition
  • improvement of the digestive process
  • positive effect on appetite
  • strengthening the protective functions of the immune system
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle
  • protection of vision and eye health
  • suppression of the development of tumor processes
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin
  • protection of oral tissues from inflammatory processes
  • protection of tooth enamel from caries and destruction
  • elimination of slags and toxins
  • soft and safe weight loss
  • normalization of the hormonal background
  • restoration and protection of childbearing function in women and men

One of the striking effects that you can notice after consuming drink is slight staining of the skin. A special pigment is responsible for this, which is enriched with the drink.

Chemical composition of carrot juice

Carrot juice is a nutritious low-calorie drink, a record holder among nectars for the content of natural vitamin A. Due to its viscous consistency, it resembles milk. The taste, instead of the expected bitterness, gives a pleasant sweetness.

The health benefits of carrot juice are impressive. It has a toning effect, strengthens the skin and the body as a whole. Because of its excellent taste qualities, rich ingredient composition, nectar is useful in the culinary, pharmacological, and cosmetic industries.

The product is rich in beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. The drink does not contain alcohol and cholesterol, which is rare for most drinks.

Carrots also contain a little chlorine, sodium, sulfur, zinc, copper, and  vitamin B.

Carrot seeds contain an essential oil that is unique in its useful properties. The rich chemical composition allows the product to find a wide useful application for humans.

The impact on the human body

Due to the beneficial quality of carrot juice, its effect on the human body can hardly be underestimated. Natural carrot juice has the same useful properties as the root vegetable itself.

Doctors discovered its therapeutic properties during the heyday of ancient European civilizations. They used the carrot juice to strengthen the immune system, stabilize physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as to treat constipation, and improve visual acuity.

Since then, it has been known that carrots contain carotene, which strengthens vision. In modern times, carrot juice can help to cope with a huge number of ailments of the human body.

  1. Low in calories, so its use helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and also helps in weight loss. The juice is a source of potassium, which has a vasodilating effect. The use of potassium normalizes blood pressure, improves the overall process of blood circulation, and reduces the load on the heart. In addition to a huge number of useful substances, carrots contain coumarin, which protects the heart from the development of hypertension.
  2. Carrot juice helps in strengthening the immune system because carrots have antibacterial properties. Carrot juice also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the activity of white blood cells and is recognized as one of the most important elements for maintaining immunity and fighting harmful free radicals
  3. Contains a large amount of fiber, which improves digestion. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which reduces the risk of constipation and protects the intestines and stomach from various serious diseases, including colorectal cancer.
  4. Beta-carotene is a great helper in reducing the risk of developing cancer cells. This substance especially helps in preventing the development of lung cancer. Also, the fiber contained in carrot juice reduces the likelihood of rectal cancer by 24 percent.
  5. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume carrots reduced the risk of developing chicken blindness by 40%. Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision.
  6. An excellent mineral antioxidant. Eating carrots stimulates the gums and causes excessive salivation, which helps to fight bacteria that lead to the development of caries, halitosis, and other diseases.
  7.  Regulates blood sugar levels. People suffering from diabetes often use this drink. It helps to cope with the disease without the use of pills.
  8. In limited quantities is useful for pregnant and lactating women. It improves the biological properties of breast milk, saturating it with active trace elements that help strengthen the child’s immune system.

As it became clear from the above, carrot juice is useful because it saturates the human body with a mass of useful bioactive substances.

Do not be afraid of the effect of “orange palms”. As soon as the amount of carrot juice consumed is reduced, or if you completely stop using this drink for a while, the skin tone will return to the previous version of the natural flesh color.

Carrot Juice Effect For the skin

Cosmetologists actively use carrot juice for cosmetic purposes to care for dry, fading, and problematic skin. Vitamin A here again plays a leading role, taking a major part in the regeneration of the skin.

Carrots also contain a large number of carotenoids that have photoprotective functions. Therefore, carrot juice can help to protect your skin from strong exposure to sunlight and the development of cancer.

It is used to make face masks. They moisturize the skin, remove excess epidermis. Carrot juice consists partly of vitamin K, it helps to lighten pigmented skin areas.

Contraindications for drinking carrot juice

It is important to remember that any product can be both useful and harmful in several cases.

Avoid drinking of carrot juice in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance to the original product
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases
  • acute intestinal disorder
  • food allergy in the acute phase
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • vitamin A can cause night blindness

With chronic ailments and acute conditions that require a special diet, it is worth considering the recommendations of a doctor.

What happens if you consume carrot juice daily?

One glass of carrot juice contains 800% of the daily value of vitamin A, as well as about 16 mg of beta-carotene. Also, carrots are almost entirely made up of water, so a drink from this root vegetable perfectly quenches thirst. Some people worry that regular consumption of carrot juice will worsen their well-being. This is not the case.

Carrots are an excellent source of fiber. This drink will only strengthen your body – activate the work of digestion, improve the skin, increase visual acuity and saturate the body with a large number of vitamins.

However, doctors do not recommend consuming more than 1 glass of carrot juice per day. It relieves oxidative stress well, so it is better to drink the drink in the morning, 20 minutes after breakfast.

If you are not used to drinking juice every day but suffer from high blood pressure, then make it a habit to drink carrot juice when you feel unwell. It will help lower your blood pressure.

 Recipes With Carrot Juice

One of the most popular methods of home preservation is the preparation of juices. Carrot juice is one of the most popular due to the availability and high nutritional value of carrots. For cooking, you will need:

  • 1 kg of carrots
  • citric acid
  • sugar syrup (optional)

The root crops cut from the tops and small roots are thoroughly washed in cold water. Then we chop the carrots very much or prepare fresh carrot puree. The carrots processed in this way are squeezed out. To give a pleasant taste and increase the nutritional value of the juice, it is recommended to add an equal amount of 10 % sugar syrup and citric acid to taste.

Before pouring the juice into the jars, the glassware must be sterilized for 20-25 minutes in boiling water or over steam. Then the juice is heated to 80 °C, passed through a filter (made of gauze or flannel), and sterilized in the usual way in boiling water for 10-15 minutes with the lid closed. Then we roll up the carrot juice.

Key benefits of beet and carrot juice

Health benefits of beet and carrot juice are that it eliminates problems with the composition of the blood, reduces blood pressure, helps the liver cope with high loads, and removes toxins from the body.

Beetroot is a very useful vegetable for the body, which includes iron. This explains its beneficial effect on the blood. Most often, the root vegetable is used in boiled and baked form, but the freshly squeezed liquid has a lot of useful properties. Applying the healing liquid externally, you can get rid of ulcers, boils, and boils.

Beet juice is recommended for people suffering from heart diseases, prone to obesity, as well as for people with thyroid insufficiency, liver and bile duct diseases. Just like carrots, the root vegetable has cleansing properties and increases the body’s resistance to various infections.

Beetroot is useful for children: the vegetable stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines, participating in the exchange of proteins, and has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the root vegetable is an excellent prevention of hypovitaminosis and has a favorable effect on the growing body as a whole.

Making juice from beets and carrots is very simple. To do this, you will need:

  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1/4 cup of pure water

First, you need to wash the vegetables well, peel them, and cut them into small cubes. Next, place the beets in the juicer. The resulting drink should be infused at room temperature for at least 2 hours. After that, you can start processing carrots. Both juices need to be mixed and diluted with water at room temperature.

How to store carrot juice?

Corked dishes with juice are stored in a dark, cool place at positive temperatures. Canned carrot juice preserves all the nutritional, dietary, and healing properties of fresh carrots.


Drinking carrot juice is a drink turned into vitamins. As we found out, its daily use only improves the overall condition of the body. The longer you use carrot juice, the more actively the liver is cleared of accumulated toxins.

The use of carrots as a root vegetable is not as effective and pleasant as the use of the juice. Carrots go well with various vegetables, as well as nuts. This allows you to create a huge number of unusual recipes.

Some people who drink the drink often may be frightened by the presence of yellowed nails or tanned skin. It’s not scary. The body simply accumulates carotene.

No wonder this bright orange drink is given to kids as the first complimentary food. Today, not only children but also adults drink natural freshly squeezed juice with pleasure.

The younger generation chooses such a drink for its pleasant sweet taste. Adults also take into account the undoubted benefits of juice obtained by squeezing fresh ripe carrots.

Well, do not forget about how useful carrot juice is in training and when doing sports. The systematic intake of the drink allows you to improve the productivity of training, as well as reduce body weight.

The effects are not related to hormonal mechanisms and are manifested equally in the body of men and women.

Normalised juices will not be able to give you as many useful substances as freshly squeezed ones. Carrots are a relatively cheap vegetable in all countries.

Making juice from such a product is very profitable. Also, do not forget that many people grow carrots on their own. For the preparation of the drink, in addition to manual juicers, there are large table combines.

Do not skimp on your health and taste of the product! Eat carrots and drink freshly squeezed carrot juice!