Fresh orange extract is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Like all citrus fruits, oranges are rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Many people think that this is the end of the health benefits of an orange. This is a big misconception. Orange extract improves health, skin condition, and is also widely used by chefs in cooking. Not everyone can drink this extract – like all citrus fruits, it can cause allergies.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of consumed product – it can be harmful to health. If we are talking about a purchased product, then you need to carefully study the labels.

Orange extract is not always at hand, so every cook always knows what can replace it. Such substitutes are useful for people with allergies to citrus fruits.


Orange extract differs from strawberry or raspberry in that it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an optimal ratio. The product is considered low-calorie, so nutritionists like to recommend it when losing weight. The composition of the freshly squeezed drink is very different from the one purchased in the store.

The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in them is the same, but the amount of carbohydrates differs by almost 2 times. This changes the caloric content of the product. 100 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice contains 36 calories, 100 grams of an industrial drink contains as many as 60 calories. An important role here is played by the addition of sugar.

Orange nectar contains:

  • vitamins C, A, E and K
  • macro-and microelements
  • antioxidant substances
  • flavonoids
  • pectins
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • iron

These minerals are very useful for human life. In the extract, their form is bioavailable, so they are well absorbed by the intestines. The trace element iron is well absorbed in an acidic environment, so orange juice is a great way to make up for the lack of iron in the body.

Citrus pulp is rich in fiber, it has many beneficial effects on the human body. Also, the use of orange juice can replenish the daily norm in ascorbic acid. The peculiarity of orange ascorbic acid is that it is contained in it as a stable substance that does not break down when boiling for 5 minutes.


The benefits of juice depend on its freshness and impurities. Naturally, freshly squeezed orange juice is much more useful than purchased. Experts consider fresh fruit with pulp to be the most useful-it does not contain sugar. This drink has a glycemic index of 40, which allows you to use it for diabetes. Orange juice is very useful for the body:

  • diuretic
  • hypotensive
  • hematopoietic
  • vasoconstrictive
  • anti-atherosclerotic
  • hemostatic
  • blood cleansing
  • decongestant
  • anti-carcinogenic

Orange juice is a dietary drink, it is often recommended when losing weight. The useful properties of the drink can be fully revealed with proper use. If you do not have contraindications in the use of the drink – you need to drink it in the morning after eating. With stomach diseases, you need to dilute juice with water and consume it before eating. In other cases, it is advised to drink orange juice after eating.

Daily consumption of orange extract will improve your vitality, mood, strengthen the immune system, and also help the work of the stomach and intestines.


Due to its composition, orange extract is very useful for the body. It contains a lot of acids, vitamins and minerals. But like any citrus fruit, it can be harmful. Possible contraindications to use:

  • stomach diseases (ulcers and gastritis)
  • allergic reactions (it is also worth limiting the use in children and pregnant women)
  • diabetes
  • possible harm to the teeth (due to the high acidity, orange juice destroys the enamel)


Fresh oranges are a wonderful dietary product. One glass of natural orange extract contains 88 calories. Many people use a tricky technique, they just dilute orange juice with water.


Experts advise to use no more than 800 ml of juice. How to properly dilute the drink? It is necessary to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. Nutritionists have developed special orange diets for 5 and 7 days – this period is enough for the effect to appear.


Maybe you have an allergy to citrus fruits? Then you should turn to possible substitutes for the drink.

So here they are:

  1. Apple cider vinegar. This is the best option for adding to salads as a marinade. Also, apple cider vinegar is great for adding to pastries (cupcakes, cakes, cakes). If there is not enough sweetness in this substitute, then you can add sugar there.
  2. Coca-Cola. Orange juice is often used to make pastries sweet and crumbly. Coca-Cola performs the same functions as a substitute. Because of the carbonation, the drink makes the dough airy. The main disadvantage of this substitute is the lack of the necessary acidity.
  3. Orange marmalade. Liquid orange marmalade is used for making glaze and marinade for barbecue. If the marmalade seems too sweet to you – add a little lemon juice there.
  4. Orange liqueur. One of the best juice substitutes, it has everything: taste, smell, acid. Chefs advise using orange liqueur for dishes such as stew and soup.
  5. Orange concentrate. This substitute is made from fresh juice by evaporating water. That is why it is almost identical to the original orange juice. The main advantage of this substitute is the possibility of long-term storage.
  6. Orange extract. It is obtained from the essential oil of orange peel. Because of the strong taste and aroma in cooking, it should be added in minimal quantities.
  7. Lemon juice. The simplest, but more acidic substitute for orange juice. If the taste seems too tart to you, you need to dilute it with honey.
  8. Citric acid. This ingredient is available in every kitchen. It is constantly added to baking.
  9. Tangerine juice. Tangerine is the closest relative of the orange. This substitute is perfect for any recipe.
  • Almond milk. It is a popular substitute for orange juice among vegetarians.
  • Orange peel. It is a good substitute for meat and poultry dishes.


  • tan
  • ayran
  • apple juice
  • pomegranate juice
  • pineapple juice
  • grape juice
  • lime
  • juice kiwi
  • guava juice
  • white wine
  • lemonade
  • tamarind paste

You can use milk as a substitute for baked dishes. You may add lemon juice, this substitute has a low level of acidity.

TIP: Do not use grapefruit juice as a substitute – it is too bitter.


The best substitute for orange extract is orange juice, but even it has its pros and cons. Orange juice does not contain alcohol, so it can be consumed by children and pregnant women. It also doesn’t have a strong sweet taste. This is a significant disadvantage for some dishes, compared to the extract, the juice seems more diluted.

Orange juice is also more affordable than orange extract, it can be bought at any store at an affordable price. Also, this substitute can be prepared independently at home, using fresh oranges and a juicer. It is also worth remembering how much vitamin C is contained in the juice of oranges. This is undoubtedly the best substitute.


Orange peel has a distinct bitter taste and a pungent smell. It is this substitute that will be an excellent option for those who consider orange extract sweet. Orange zest is sprinkled on top of the dish and is not added to the dough itself.

The best use cases: sprinkle cupcakes with coffee cake or cook meat. Orange peel contains provitamins, calcium and polyphenols.

This substitute is considered the most useful and effective one.


Orange liqueur is particularly similar to orange extract. They both contain orange juice and alcohol. They also have a very similar taste. This substitute is quite expensive and is not suitable for children. You need to carefully choose an orange liqueur. Some drinks have a neutral taste, while others have a very bright orange taste. You need to understand that such a substitute will not enrich your body with vitamins and minerals.


Orange marmalade is similar in texture to orange jam — it is thick, so it is well suited for creating sauces. This substitute is rich in vitamins, because it is made from fresh fruits and berries. Sugar and gelatin are used in the preparation. Orange marmalade can be used for most extract recipes. You can make any dish great by adding orange marmalade there. It contains few calories and relatively little sugar.


Orange extract is a citrus extract that is often used in cooking when baking and preparing creams. At home, orange extract is quite easy to prepare, it just takes some time. Ingredients:

  • orange peel (65 grams)
  • alcohol (150 ml.)
  • water (120 ml.)


  1. Pour boiling water over a large orange and wash thoroughly.
  2. Peel the orange completely. Then cut off the white pulp from the zest with a knife, it does not have the aroma we need.
  3. Cut the prepared orange zest into cubes or thin strips. I got 65 grams of ready-made zest.
  4. Put the zest in a glass container with a volume of at least 300 ml., pour water and vodka, shake, close tightly and leave in a dark, dry place (a cabinet that you rarely look into) for a month.
  5. During this time, the zest will completely give up its oils and opening a jar with orange extract, you will feel the magical aroma of an orange without the smell of alcohol.

The extract can be used earlier, then the smell of vodka will still be heard in it, this does not prevent adding the extract to the dough, but it will not work for the cream. Any citrus extract (orange, lemon, lime) matures in 1-2 months and is stored for about 1 year. After a year, the smell of alcohol becomes tart again. It is especially popular in European cuisine to add orange extract to Christmas pastries, gingerbread, cupcakes.


  1. You avoid alcohol: the recipe for orange extract consists of almost 80% alcohol. Not everyone notices this right away, because only a couple of drops are added to the recipes. But there are people who can not drink even a minimum amount of alcohol.
  2. You can’t quickly find orange extract: in its pure form, this drink is quite difficult to find. Substitutes for everything are at home at hand.
  3. You want to saturate the body with vitamins: orange extract is mainly rich in vitamin C, while substitutes have a more extensive composition of vitamins and minerals.
  4. You want to cook something urgently: it takes time to prepare an orange extract. If you can’t find it in the store, it will take a lot of time to create the extract yourself.
  5. You need a special taste: no matter how pleasant the aroma of an orange is, sometimes you want to add something special to the dish. Moreover, many people simply do not like the taste of citrus fruits.


Orange extract is definitely an excellent additive in cooking. It has a special taste and smell, and contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Like all citrus fruits, oranges contain a large amount of vitamin C. It is difficult to argue with how orange extract is useful for your health.

Orange extract can not always be found in your kitchen or in the nearest store. In this case, it is worth seeking help from substitutes for orange extract. They are very easy to find in stores or at home in a kitchen cabinet. Each of the substitutes has its own special taste, smell and acidity.

It is worth paying attention to what kind of substitute for orange extract you choose for your dishes. Cooking is a subtle science, you need to carefully select substitutes for a particular product. One substitute may be too sweet, and the other too tart. Also, the acidic environment of the product can change the taste of the substitute over time.

It is also important to remember that orange nectar contains alcohol. Most of the extract substitutes do not contain alcohol, so they are safer for health. Most of the substitutes do not have a high level of sugar, so it is worth taking this into account when preparing dishes.