PAPAYA JUICE BENEFITS For Beginners and Everyone Else

Just think about papaya, and you already feel the notes of the tropical fragrance. This sunny fruit is originally from Mexico, but you can find it in Thailand, India, Brazil, and Peru. And on store shelves, of course. Papaya also has many names: “a tree of good mood,” “a fruit of beauty,” “carica papaya.” Let’s find out why.

Basic info about papaya

We don’t drink papaya juice for breakfast every day like the Indian raja. Someone tried it a couple of times and someone never at all (but you will undoubtedly run to buy it). So, first, a small introduction. 

The ripe papaya has a golden-amber peel and yellow-orange pulp. To preserve all the papaya juice benefits, choose it correctly. When buying a product, pay attention to the smell (it should not be sharp but slightly sweet) and color (yellow-orange). This will indicate that the fruit is ripe but not overripe. It’s better to eat fresh papaya. Before that, wash it well, remove a thick layer of peel. Cut in half, remove the bones and cut into slices. You can eat it or make fresh juice.

What do papaya taste and smell like

Many people compare the taste of an unripe fruit with sweet carrots, zucchini, or pumpkin. Ripe papaya smells like a melon. Different varieties of papaya have their aftertaste: apricot notes, floral ones, and even chocolate or coffee. The consistency of ripe papaya is soft, slightly oily, similar to mango, ripe peach, and melon. As for the smell, some say that it resembles raspberries. If you bake papaya in the oven, it will smell like bread. Nothing strange because it is also called “a bread tree.” 

If you think that papaya can only be used for food, here are some surprises for you. 

6 uses of papaya

  • Just eat. First, of course, you can eat papaya, and it’s yummy. 
  • Dish. A more creative approach is to make a dish. Hundreds of recipes exist: from cupcakes to some exotic like shrimp with caramelized vegetables and papaya. You can use unripe fruits as a vegetable – for baking and cooking soups. Ripe papayas are fantastic for desserts. Whatever you buy, it will be useful. 
  • Juice. You can make juice from it. Fresh juices are especially good for health, so it is better to drink the prepared juice immediately.
  • Medicine & cosmetology. Eating and making juices are obvious things. But not everyone knows papaya is also an excellent medicinal and cosmetic product. 
  • papaya leaves can serve you well.

Papaya juice benefits

The benefits of papaya for the body are high in vitamin E and A and trace elements (potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.). The fruits contain so called papain — a substance similar to the human gastric secret that helps break down fats and proteins.

Papaya juice helps with vertebral hernias. It also relieves pain from skin injuries, and burns treat eczema and insect bites.

Not only doctors but also cosmetologists love papaya juice. And that’s why.

Papaya juice benefits for skin

Seed oil and papaya extract are part of hair and skincare products. Papaya extract successfully treats many skin diseases as it stimulates metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis.

It produces anti-inflammatory, regenerating and soothing effects. Papaya fruit acid is an essential part of a very popular enzyme peeling procedure: it helps renew the upper layer of the skin, eliminates freckles, and narrows skin pores. What’s more, papaya has a low sodium content and helps to remove fluids from the body.

Papaya is a part of caring and exfoliating products – soaps, scrubs, whitening masks and creams, sun cosmetics, shampoos, and hair masks with vitamin C. Papain can slow down the growth of unwanted hairs, so after depilation, lotions often include papaya.

No question, papaya juice will give you the “baby skin”. But why overpay for expensive cosmetic procedures if you can prepare these masks at home.

Papaya juice recipe cleanse

Ready to become a princess? Here is the refreshing mask recipe for a good complexion:

Chop the pulp of ripe papaya with a blender to make a puree. Add a little flour to it to make the mass more viscous. Smear the mask on the face, except for the mouth and eyes. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat 2 times a week.  

Advice: do not throw away the papaya peel – it is better to put it on your face. Hold it for no longer than 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. The acids contained in the papaya peel stop skin aging.

Can you drink water with papaya?

You’ve probably heard that doctors do not recommend drinking water after fruit. But do you know what it can cause? Water after papaya is a strict NO for some reasons:

  • Flatulence and cramps risk: water dilutes the gastric juice necessary for the digestion of food
  • Changes in pH level: pH affects our metabolism and digestion. Both acids and alkalis enter the body with food, and then the alkali neutralizes the acid. If we drink water after fruit, the acid in our body will be diluted. This will cause digestive problems.
  • Slow digestion: food will stay longer in our stomach and poison it from the inside

The best advice is to drink water only after 1 hour after eating papaya or papaya juice.

Is papaya juice good for weight loss?

Papaya juice helps to lose weight as it is rich in proteins and fiber. The papain inside it is similar to gastric juice and stimulates digestion. That’s why doctors recommend including papaya preparations in weight loss programs. 

To lose weight by 3-5 kg, eat 8-10 papaya seeds before breakfast. Repeat this daily for 15 days or 2 days a week for 8-12 weeks.

How many calories are in a papaya?

Papaya almost does not contain carbohydrates and fats. In 100 g there is about 40 kcal. Fiber contributes to the detoxification of the body and the removal of carcinogens.

Does papaya help with bloating?

Too large portions or too heavy food can make it difficult for our digestion, causing pain, gas, and bloating.

Aloe vera is a natural laxative, and papaya has carminative properties. Combining these two ingredients in one recipe allows you to get an effective remedy for gas and other digestive problems.

What is papaya juice good for? 

Ripe fruit has a lot of valuable properties thanks to its unique chemical composition.

  • The increased concentration of plant substances and fibers helps cleanse blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots.
  • Papaya juice heals the gastrointestinal tract, bringing it into tone. It suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microflora, removes toxic and slag deposits.
  • This tropical fruit, consumed fresh, copes well with parasites. It eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves the condition of those who have arthritis and osteoporosis. Reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration
  • unobvious benefits of papaya: it perfectly heals wounds and has an energizing effect on the skin condition, returning it to youth and a fresh appearance.
  • In the case of eye disorders in alternative medicine, people usually eat carrots. However, it has been clinically proven that papaya juice can help no less in solving these problems. Its regular inclusion in the diet can stop age-related changes in the visual organs.
  • The fruits contain fibrin – it is responsible for blood clotting, campaign, which supports the heart muscle activity, and arginine. Excellent help to the work of the male reproductive system
  • The valuable properties of papaya can also include its excellent cosmetic qualities. Its nutritious oil is a part of various body and hair care products.
  • Papain is part of many drugs and creams that remove pigmentation and freckles.

What is papaya bad for?

Papaya has almost no contradictions: is ok for pregnant women and small children. It perfectly tones up and has a positive effect on the immune system. 

But pay attention to some things:

  • Check if you are allergic to any tropical fruit. 
  • Unripe fruits contain a lot of carpain (an alkaloid that can cause poisoning and burns). So it is better to use unripe papaya for cooking a roast or bake it.
  • Unripe fruits contain a substance that stimulates uterine contraction. Pregnant women shouldn’t eat it to prevent a miscarriage. Ripe fruits instead are only helpful for pregnant women.

This does not mean that you can’t eat unripe papayas at all. To neutralize its harmful effect, use heat treatment: bake the fruit in the oven.

What are the side effects of papaya enzymes?

Papain is a natural enzyme in papaya fruits. You’ve read some info about it above. Papain helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system and is similar to pepsin. You can get papain both from fruits/juices and special medications. It is handy, but there are contraindications for some people. 

You can’t eat papaya or drink papaya juice:

  • if you have individual intolerance to papain (consult with your physician)
  • with a violation of blood coagulation
  • during treatment with medications reducing blood viscosity
  • two weeks before the operations
  • if you have diabetes or if your blood sugar level is low

When applying gels and creams containing papaya juice to the skin can cause an allergic reaction. The skin will turn red; sometimes, blisters may appear. The reason is individual intolerance again. If you are allergic to kiwi or figs, then most likely you are also allergic to papaya. Find it out and be careful.

What can you do with overripe papaya?

Don’t eat an overripe papaya fresh as it can be harmful. Better make a jam. 

Papaya seeds are an excellent alternative to black pepper, as they have a burning, spicy taste. Bake them for 5-10 min in the oven. Then chop them up.

And don’t forget about masks with papaya peel.

Papaya juice combinations

Papaya juice goes well with a variety of fruits. Now you will learn several options, but try to experiment yourself. Surely you will get something exclusive and delicious.

  • Milkshake with papaya and kiwi

– 1 tbsp. milk

– 1 papaya fruit

– 2 kiwi

– 1 tsp. honey

– a pinch of ground cinnamon

– 3-4 ice cubes


  • Peel the papaya from the skin and scoop out the seeds seeds
  • remove the skin from the kiwi
  • Cut the fruit pulp into pieces and chop it with a blender and honey, cinnamon and ice
  • Pour the milk into the resulting puree and mix the drink properly
  • Serve the finished cocktail immediately
  • Papaya cocktail with orange juice

– 1 tbsp. soy milk (can be replaced with another)

– 1/2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice

– 2 tbsp. chopped papaya pulp

– 3 tsp. honey

– 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice

– a pinch of Jamaican pepper

– a few slices of lime or lemon for decoration

Whisk all the ingredients until smooth. Then cool the resulting cocktail, pour into glasses and garnish with lime slices.

  • Peach smoothie with papaya

– 3/4 tbsp.peach juice

– 1/2 tbsp buttermilk

– 1.5 tbsp. diced papaya pulp

– 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar

– 2 tbsp lime or pineapple juice

– 3-5 ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients with a blender or mixer until smooth.

Jamaican papaya juice recipe

In Jamaica, they like the combination of papaya with pineapple and lime. You can easily make such a drink yourself. 

What do you need for it:

  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Grated ginger – 1 tbs
  • Peeled and diced papaya – 2 glasses
  • pineapple juice or slices – 1 can
  • lime juice – 3 tbs
  • honey – 1/2 glass

Step 1.

Blend water, ginger, papaya, and pineapple in a blender to create a smoothie.

Step 2.

Mix with lime juice until smooth.

Step 3.

Strain and serve with ice if you want.


Papaya leaf juice uses

Did you know that the Indians use papaya leaves to wash clothes? Surprising fact: they can remove any dirt; you can experiment. It sounds a bit wild, but it goes very well with the eco agenda. If you replace the powder with it, you will reduce consumption and not buy plastic packaging. A good idea for eco store products

Papaya leaves also have a particular enzyme – papain. If you wrap the meat in them, it will become soft after a few hours. A useful life hack that only chefs know

All in all, papaya leaves are not less helpful than fruits:

  • Dried papaya leaves mixed with honey are an excellent remedy for cough, boost immune system.
  • leaves boiled in hot water are a potent remedy against malaria.
  • Fresh papaya leaves chopped and mixed with onions strengthen the bladder. This remedy is beneficial for those who have a weak bladder and frequent urge to urinate.
  • papaya leaves, boiled together with orange slices, help to burn fat. This is an excellent product for weight loss.
  • Fresh leaves act as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Adding dried papaya leaves to tea helps to cope with pain during menstruation.
  • Papaya leaves can reduce inflammation.

Summing up

We can enjoy the taste of papaya and its healing properties noticed by ancient Indians. Papaya has no useless part, and you have 6 options for utilizing it:

  • Eating.
  • Using as an ingredient for the dish.
  • Making juice.
  • Preparing a therapeutic or cosmetic product and even replace washing powder with it.

The benefit of papaya juice is the high level of vitamins and antioxidants; it relieves pain from skin injuries and burns and treats eczema and insect bites. Sunny fruit is your best source of positive emotions and health.