Strawberry – a delicious berry with an ancient history. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is why strawberries in different types are harvested for the winter. Some additional ingredients and impurities are rarely added there. In cooking, chefs do not use strawberries for preparing complex dishes, most often they use strawberry syrup for making juices, alcoholic cocktails, yogurts, and jellies.


When I first tasted this strawberry juice I was in heaven. It’s so refreshing and delicious and it’s a great way to start the day. And they’re even more delicious when they’re pulverised and turned into strawberry juice. I like to make strawberry juice from the berries that I pick in the summer.

To make strawberry juice, you will need:

  • a high-powered blender
  • a strainer
  • a cup
  • honey (optional)

(Ideally, you should use a juicer to make your strawberry juice, but I don’t have one of those, so I used a blender)

  • 3 pints fresh strawberries
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice
  • 2 Tbsp Honey 
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves (optional)
  • 1 1/2 cups water (to make juice thinner)
  • Wash the strawberries
  • Remove the stems and the green tops
  • Cut the strawberries lengthwise into quarters
  • Put the strawberry quarters into a blender with a little bit of water and tablespoon of honey
  • Add lime juice
  • Blend the strawberries until the mixture is pulpy and there are no large strawberry chunks
  • Chill at least 40 mins before serving

It’s also a great way to add strawberries to your diet if you don’t have them on a regular basis.


  1. wash the strawberries, clean them from excess parts
  2. put the berries under the press
  3. the resulting juice should be poured into a saucepan and heated (it is important not to bring to a boil)
  4. pour the warm mass into cans and hermetically close with lids (they should be metal)

Most likely, after making the juice, you will have a cake left. You can also make juice from it, but not for preservation. You need to fill the cake with water and leave it for 4 hours.


If you don’t want to make strawberry juice yourself, buy it at the store. The main thing is to choose the right drink. It is important to understand that the packaging design should play the least role in the choice of juice. It is important to pay special attention to the chemical composition of the drink. It should be as simple and understandable as possible. The ideal option is the content of only water and berries in the juice. the product can not have a long shelf life with a good and natural composition.

Manufacturers add preservatives to juices for greater safety. Pay attention to the fact that there are few of them and avoid the content of citric acid and E-preservatives in the juice. If you want to get a healthy drink-do not try to save money. If the price issue is acute for you, then make the juice yourself, but do not buy cheap substitutes. They are very harmful to the body.

You can make several cans of canned juice from one kilogram of strawberries.

If you make freshly squeezed juice from strawberries, you will not be able to save money.


Strawberry juice is recommended to drink every day if possible. Children should drink one glass a day, adults – 2 glasses of juice a day. If you often suffer from infectious diseases, then you need to drink it as often as possible. If we consider strawberry juice as a medicine, then different dosages of the drink are allocated for various diseases:

  1. In case of kidney stone disease-daily use before meals. It is recommended to drink about 5 tablespoons of juice. To prevent the development of kidney stones, you can also eat whole strawberries (up to 400 grams per day)
  2. With vitamin deficieny -500  ml of strawberry juice per day.
  3. For diarrhea – 500 ml of strawberry-raspberry juice
  4. In case of chronic bronchitis – a glass of fresh juice with milk. This will help to calm the bronchi and reduce the frequency of coughing.
  5. With osteochondrosis – half a glass of carrot-strawberry mixture, 30 minutes after eating.
  6. For insomnia – a glass of fresh strawberry juice with a spoonful of valerian tincture.


Strawberry juice is rarely used in multicomponent recipes. Most often it is drunk as an independent drink, less often it is prepared jelly, biscuits added to sauces/marinades for meat or poultry. What is the reason for this? Based on sweet juice, it is impossible to knead the dough or prepare a sauce – the finished product will turn out to be too watery and will lose its rich taste.

For these purposes, fresh or frozen strawberries are best suited. Use berry juice to dilute strong alcoholic beverages or create strawberry variations of your favorite cocktails (“Margaritas”, “Mojito” or “Daiquiri”).

In different countries, there are different traditions of using strawberries in cooking. For example, in addition to sweet dishes, these berries are perfectly combined with seafood and poultry meat. They are also suitable for lettuce leaves, arugula, spinach, cucumbers, avocado, cheese, pine nuts, so they are often added to salads. As a dressing, olive oil with lemon juice is usually used.

These berries are also used to make a delicious strawberry-wine sauce, and they are also added to Spanish cold gazpacho soup.


Because of its low-calorie content, strawberry juice is an excellent tool for maintaining a diet and losing weight. It also contains a large amount of useful fiber, as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals.

However, any nutritionist will not advise you to lose weight only with the help of strawberries. There can be no talk about any strawberry mono diet. Strawberries contain a lot of acids and sugars that can accumulate in the body.

The ideal option is a balanced diet that includes proteins and carbohydrates. The main thing is to exclude from the diet fats in various types. The main thing in the strawberry diet is not to combine it with flour products, sugar, and fats of animal origin. With a strawberry diet, it is considered the norm to consume 500 grams of berries or 500 ml of a drink per day.


The cosmetology market now sells a lot of products, which include strawberries. These are creams, face masks, lotions, shampoos, and balms. Due to its whitening effect, the strawberry extract is added to lightening masks.

Studies have been conducted that have proven the ability of strawberries to resist the sun’s rays. Thus, soon sunscreens will be made based on strawberries. The experiment showed that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, strawberry extract reduces damage to DNA cells. Shortly, strawberries will be used as a means that can protect from the sun. This will reduce the likelihood of developing skin cancer.


Strawberry is a unique berry, it was obtained by triple hybridization. We can immediately assume that the birthplace of this berry was an advanced country with a good knowledge of crop production. Strawberries have another name – pineapple strawberries. There were mentions of a wild similar berry a long time ago – in the Slavic chronicles and the story XVI century. Then the officer A.

Frazier brought the first bushes of local strawberries with small fruits from the conquered South America by the Spaniards. The French pollinated these fruits in their botanical garden and got something similar to modern strawberries, but it was only in 1750 that the Dutch, through long crosses, brought out the strawberries we know now. Before that, for a long time, the berry was considered wild.


Fleshy strawberry fruits contain a lot of useful substances and 85% consist of purified water, which helps the body maintain water balance. Strawberry juice does not lose all these properties of the berry. Eating strawberries helps all organs work properly, cleanses the body, and strengthens the immune system.

Due to the huge content of vitamins, strawberries are often harvested for the winter in the form of juices, jams, compotes, and jellies. Even small children know how useful strawberries are. The berry is considered low-calorie, so nutritionists advise its use for effective weight loss. 100 grams of fresh strawberries contain only 32 kcal.

Strawberry caloric value can change depending on substance:

  • dried (296 kcal)
  • frozen (32 kcal)
  • rubbed with sugar (284)
  • in the juices and compotes (71 kcal)

For losing weight it is effective to use fresh or frozen strawberries.

100 grams of strawberries contain:

  • proteins (0.67 grams)
  • fats (0.3 grams)
  • carbohydrates (5, 68 grams)
  • water (90, 95 grams)
  • dietary fiber (2 grams)

If we talk about the vitamin composition, strawberries have no competitors among other berries. Strawberry contains:

  • vitamin a (improves skin and improves visual acuity)
  • b vitamins (normalizes blood sugar levels, help to keep the body in good shape, saturate it with energy)
  • beta carotene (antioxidant effect)
  • vitamin C (strengthens the immune system, performs the regeneration of tissues)
  • vitamin E (actively removes toxins from the body)
  • vitamin K (regulates the regenerative processes in cells and tissues)

Strawberries also contain a huge number of macro and microelements:

  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • manganese
  • copper
  • selenium
  • fluorine
  • zinc

These elements perform several irreplaceable and very important functions in the body: they strengthen the muscle system and bones, improve the condition of teeth and skin, and also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Strawberries also contain a lot of amino acids. They are especially useful for digestion.


Any fluids are very important for the body. They are quickly absorbed, equipping us with vitamins and minerals. Juices awaken the appetite well and also have a diuretic effect. Those who want to lose weight see a special value in juices. You can drink juice and forget about the feeling of hunger.

Concentrated herbal drinks strengthen the immune system and awaken the energy. It is to such juices that strawberry juice belongs. This drink is designed to even out the tone of your skin, improve the condition of nails and hair. Such useful properties of strawberry juice are especially appreciated in cosmetology. If you often drink fresh juices, the digestive system will rest more, because it will not need to digest heavy food.

Strawberry juice helps to fight chronic fatigue. In the modern world, it torments a huge number of people. The drink also helps to relieve inflammation in the body. It is scientifically proven that the inflammation of cells causes a feeling of apathy and fatigue. Few people know that distraction and apathy occur primarily due to inflammation at the cellular level. Numerous studies have proven that strawberries fight free radicals, improving brain function and strengthening memory.

Strawberry juice contains a large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This vitamin actively produces collagen, which is responsible for the condition of our skin. It is collagen that gives the skin shine and radiance, evens out its tone. Vitamin C also protects blood vessels.

Cosmetologists recommend using strawberry juice, as it helps to smooth out wrinkles and protects the skin from exposure to sunlight. It is important to remember that vitamin C breaks down at a high temperature, so you need to drink strawberry juice fresh and cool.

Few people think about the effect of strawberry juice on their teeth. How can a berry strengthen the enamel of teeth? Substances in strawberries can whiten teeth. There is even a special recipe for this: you need to mix strawberry juice with soda. This liquid should be rinsed several times a day, so your teeth will become whiter. How does it work? Baking soda is an alkaline medium that prevents the spread of bacteria. Ascorbic acid also helps to lighten the teeth.


Due to the high sugar content, strawberry juice is considered especially allergenic, and vegetable acids are also concentrated in it. There are several contraindications to the use of strawberries and juice from it:

  • individual intolerance to the product
  • allergic reaction to berries and their components
  • gastritis (strawberries contain ascorbic acid)
  • inflammation in the oral cavity
  • exacerbations of diseases of the urinary system
  • problems with joints
  • the use of medications that normalize blood pressure (the load on the kidneys will be too strong)

Strawberries are also dangerous because of the high content of pesticides in them. This is the name of poison that is used to treat fruits and the land on which they grow. Unscrupulous farmers are trying to achieve a large size and bright color of berries in this way. It is strawberries that are currently leading in the number of pesticides detected. These chemicals can cause great harm to health. The substance gradually accumulates in the human body and causes genetic diseases.

What should you do in this case? You need to grow strawberries by yourself or buy them only from trusted sellers. It is also a bad idea to make juice from untested strawberries.


Strawberries are a universal berry. It is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, dietetics, and folk medicine. It contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Everyone knows that food is better absorbed by the stomach in liquid form, so strawberry juice is excellent medicine. It can improve digestion, strengthen the cardiovascular system, protect against infectious diseases and even whiten teeth! Get into the habit of constantly eating strawberries and freezing them for the winter – then your health will improve!